“We Strive to Earn a Referral from Every Mat Sale”
Daily, 8-8 PST
( 9-19-10 )
I am a Masters’ runner, age 68, specializing in indoor track. In March of 2009, at the USA National Masters Indoor Track and Field Championships in Landover, MD, I ran a 6:04 mile and a 2:45 half-mile. These times placed me fourth in said events for my age group.
I missed the 2010 indoor season because of chronic soreness in my hamstrings. Nothing seemed to help permanently -- neither chiropractic nor pain relievers. I purchased the MRS 2000+ designo on July 18, 2010 just to experiment, and not specifically for the hamstring problem.
As instructed by Greg Larsen, I started using the Mat gradually until I felt comfortable with 16 minutes. Then I would place the Pillow-Pad on my hamstrings and hips for 16 minutes. I used this protocol twice a day.
Within a week’s time I began noticing an improvement in the hamstring soreness. I also noticed that I was not as tired after my workouts. After a month, the tightness was completely gone. I still experienced some slight hip pain, however, but it was much improved from when I began.
Exactly two months later, on September 18, I ran a 5K race. This was the first time I had competed in 1 ½ years. I ran the 5K in 21:49, which was a good minute faster than I had anticipated.
Since I have been using the mat I have observed that my running is much smoother and more effortless. This running flow is something I haven’t experienced in years!
I have come to the realization that we do not have to accept all the aches and pains that come with getting older. There are solutions to these problems, and I found that using the MediConsult MRS 2000+ to heal the body with energy has worked for me.
Carl W. Landis
1196 Chestershire Place
Pottstown, PA, USA
© 2010 Greg Larsen